
Harlem Unbound, a Cthulhu roleplaying game sourcebook

Created by Chris Spivey, Darker Hue Studios

RPG sourcebook set in 1920s NYC, the Harlem Renaissance, delving into Mythos mysteries for either Call of Cthulhu or Gumshoe system.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 7 years ago – Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:21:41 AM

Another exciting day at Darker Hue Studios! Thanks to all the new backers supporting this project, we've now reached the $10,000 marker!!!

***FUNDED!*** $7,000 | Additional Scenario: Harlem (K)nights: An explosive campaign starter! A rabbi, a local Mafia boss, and a letter from labor activist Asa Philip Randolph set the investigators on a dangerous path. How can they hope to beat what cannot die that can eternally slumber as it stirs? Will it end in their doom?
***FUNDED*** $8,500 | Keeper's Screen: A 3-panel screen that holds rules, charts and other Keeper tips to challenge and guide your players.  
***FUNDED*** $10,000 | Additional Art: We've got incredibly talented artists working with us, and we'd love to give them more work to do and add some dazzling eye candy for your gaming pleasure.   

On the horizon: $12K for an additional scenario and $15K for books in color! Please keep sharing information about Harlem Unbound. We will get there together.

- Chris

over 7 years ago – Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 10:28:43 AM

Day #3, surpassed $12,000! We've added the detail below for the 4th unlocked stretch goal -- an additional scenario by Alex Mayo. Thanks for all your support and for spreading the good word. - Chris

***FUNDED!*** $7,000 | Additional Scenario: Harlem (K)nights: An explosive campaign starter! A rabbi, a local Mafia boss, and a letter from labor activist Asa Philip Randolph set the investigators on a dangerous path. How can they hope to beat what cannot die that can eternally slumber as it stirs? Will it end in their doom? 
***FUNDED*** $8,500 | Keeper's Screen: A 3-panel screen that holds rules, charts and other Keeper tips to challenge and guide your players.

***FUNDED*** $10,000 | Additional Art: We've got incredibly talented artists working with us, and we'd love to give them more work to do and add some dazzling eye candy for your gaming pleasure.

***FUNDED*** $12,000 | Additional Scenario: Dreams and Broken Wings, by Alex Mayo. Clayton Morris, a promising painter and rising star in the Harlem art community, has gone missing. While many dismiss his disappearance as a harmless circumstance, some believe foul play may be afoot. Discovering the truth will take players into the heart of Harlem’s art scene and possibly into worlds beyond.

over 7 years ago – Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 08:02:13 AM

Bit of a day.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm for Harlem Unbound. Not only did we get fully funded within 7 hours of launch, but we have also reached the first stretch goal!

***FUNDED!*** $7,000 | Additional Scenario: Harlem (K)nights: An explosive campaign starter! A rabbi, a local Mafia boss, and a letter from labor activist Asa Philip Randolph set the investigators on a dangerous path. How can they hope to beat what cannot die that can eternally slumber as it stirs? Will it end in their doom?

Because we've received such a fantastic first response, we've added another Stretch Goal which would include another scenario at $12,000. 

We're approaching the $8,500 Keeper's Screen stretch goal. Please keep sharing, and we'll get there together.

Bit of a day.

- Chris